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Star Spangled Banner Guided Reading Middle School

Learning from the Source: The Star Spangled Banner K-2

Last Updated on September 26, 2017

Our country's flag! A new national song

The flag is one of the United States' most of import symbols and the primal character of the country's national canticle. This project introduces students to the fundamental historical events that led to the creation of this patriotic vocal, helping them to learn the lyrics toTheStar Spangled Banner and expand their overall agreement of U.Southward. history and their personal connections to this land.

To complete this project, students will . . .

  • acquire about fundamental historical events that led to the cosmos of our national anthem.
  • learn about unlike types of primary sources.
  • acquire the lyrics toTheStar Spangled Banner.
  • reinforce their understanding of the U.Southward. flag and national anthem.

Upon completing this project, students volition exist able to . . .

  • describe central historical events that led to the cosmos of our national anthem.
  • sing the words toThe Star Spangled Banner.
  • demonstrate their understanding of the U.South. national canticle and the significant that the song and the flag have for them personally.

This projection meets the post-obit Mutual Core English language Language Arts Standards for grades M-2.

  • Reading Standards for Literature: i, 3, 4, seven
  • Speaking and Listening Standards: 1, 2, iii, 4

Allow for sufficient fourth dimension to implement:Students will need approximately three 40-infinitesimal class sessions to complete the main projection components; plan appropriately for whatever extension activities you wish to consummate.

Be flexible with implementation:Keep in listen that some students may need extra fourth dimension to complete the activities scheduled for each of the sessions. Consider implementing various extension activities to reinforce student learning.

  • The Star Spangled Imprint:Chalmers baritone and chorus recording (.mp3 audio)
  • The Star Spangled Banner:Case soprano and chorus recording (.mp3 audio)
  • U.S. map (source)
  • Program of Baltimore (source)
  • Fort McHenry (source)
  • Fort McHenry flag (source)
  • Star Spangled BannerIllustrated Lyrics Sheet
  • The Star Spangled Banner: The Story & the Vocal (.mp4 video)
  • The Star Spangled Banner: The Story & the Vocal (.ppt slide presentation; open to play after automated download)
  • Our Flag (1795-1814) Coloring Sheet
  • Our Flag Today Coloring Sheet
Session i: Introduction to Our National Anthem
  1. Explain to students that this project will help them to learn virtually some important events from long, long ago that led to the creation of the song,TheStar Spangled Imprint, whichis our national anthem.
  2. Ask students to describe what a national anthem is. Corroborate or provide additional clarification to convey that a national anthem is a song that represents our country and some ideas that we, equally citizens of the country, believe in.
  3. Inquire students if anyone can sing or hum the song. If no student is familiar with the song, you may sing or hum a bit of the song to spark student recognition. Ask students to share stories of times they take heardTheStar Spangled Banner being played or sung (e.g., at the beginning of sporting events).
  4. Tell students thatTheStar Spangled Banner has been recorded by many bands and been sung past many people over the years. Then tell them that the Library of Congress has several recordings of our national anthem on its website, some of which are more than 100 years old! Play either the Chalmers baritone and chorus recording (1914) or the Case soprano and chorus recording (1917).
  5. Lead a class discussion almostTheStar Spangled Bannerto encourage students to share what they know about our national anthem. Questions to spark the discussion might include the following:
    • Why do yous think our land has a national canticle?
    • (Display  a U.S. map.) Our national canticle is about events that took identify near the city of Baltimore, which is located in the country of Maryland on the due east declension of the United States. Let'southward find Baltimore, Maryland on the map.
    • Baltimore is a port city. (Evidence Programme of Baltimore.) A port is a place on the water where ships sail in and out. Can you spot the ships on this map?
    • (Show aerial image of Fort McHenry.) This is Fort McHenry. What shape is Fort McHenry?
    • (Bear witness Programme of Baltimore, again.) Tin you spot Fort McHenry on this map?
    • What is a fort? (a building soldiers used to help protect a certain identify)
    • A famous battle was fought at Fort McHenry a long time ago. A human being named Francis Scott Key watched the boxing and wrote a poem about what he saw. What is a poem? (a short piece or writing that tells about something or someone with colorful, or interesting, words)
  6. Tell students that soon later on Francis Scott Key wrote his poem, information technology was prepare to music. Later, the first verse of this song became the U.s. national anthem.
  7. Hand each pupil aStar Spangled BannerIllustrated Lyrics Canvassand direct students to write their names on their canvass. Explain that the illustrations can assistance them remember the lyrics to our national anthem. (Make sure to salvage students' lyric sheets for utilise in Session 3.)
  8. Display the lyrics sheet and directly students to follow along equally you lot point to the words while you lot read them aloud.
  9. Play the Star Spangled Banneragain, using the Chalmers recording or the Case recording or another of your choosing, and direct students to quietly hum or sing along as they color the lyrics canvass.
Session ii: The Story of Our National Anthem
  1. Tell students that they are going to watch a brusque movie that was made using various types of chief sources, including paintings, illustrations, photos, sheet music covers, song sheets, maps, and texts. Explain that primary sources provide information about people and events from the by and help us to understand what people were thinking almost, feeling, and talking virtually at the time they were created.
  2. Show students The Star Spangled Banner: The Story & the Vocal video (.mp4 file).
  3. Now bear witness theThe Star Spangled Banner: The Story & the Song slide presentation (.ppt file) and ask students to comment on what they notice observe or find interesting near the various main sources in the presentation.
Session 3: Our Flag and Our National Anthem
  1. Facilitate a course discussion in which students relate what they accept learned about the story ofThe Star Spangled Banner.
  2. Display this image of the Fort McHenry flag and inquire students to comment on what they see, think about, and wonder as they look at the image, noting student observations, reflections, and questions. Then ask students to compare the flag in the image to a contemporary American flag, using the American flag in your classroom, in front of your school, or some other image. Once again, note pupil observations, reflections, and questions and guiding discussion so that students come away knowing that each star stands for a state and that the stripes represent the original 13 colonies that alleged independence from Britain in 1776 and formed the United states.
  3. Paw each student a copy of Our Flag (1795-1814) and Our Flag Today illustrations and instruct students to color each with the advisable colors to reinforce their newfound noesis.
  4. Instruct students to write (or dictate) a sentence or some words describing what the U.S. flag means to them personally at the top of their Our Flag Today colored illustrations. While students work, play the Chalmers recording or the Case recording or another of your choosing and encourage students to quietly hum forth.
  5. Instruct students to to write (or dictate) a sentence or some words describing how they experience when they hear/sing the national anthem underneath their colored analogy.
  6. Hang students' Our Flag Today illustrations around the classroom.
  7. Pass back students' illustrated lyrics sheets and encourage them to take the sheets home to share their work with their families.

Review the suggested project rubric.

Extension Activities
Word Scramble Competition
  1. Divide the class into several groups.
  2. Requite each group a baggie with the start poesy ofThe Star Spangled Imprintcut into strips by lines (run across Word Scramble Contest Extension Action Pack).
  3. Direct the groups to compete against the other groups to be the first team to accommodate the strips in the correct order.
Measure Out the Fort McHenry Flag
  1. Go outside, or to a very large space such every bit the school gymnasium, and measure out the dimensions of the Fort McHenry flag (thirty anxiety wide and 42 feet long), marking each corner.
  2. Have students stand up around the perimeter and then that they go a sense of how big the flag really is.
  3. If possible, accept someone have a picture of the students from a vantage higher up, then mail the moving picture on a classroom or school wall.
Brand the Fort McHenry Flag

Make a quarter-size 1812 Fort McHenry flag out of construction paper. (Beware, this action requires A LOT of paper.)

  1. Mensurate and cut out eight scarlet and seven white stripes that are .5 human foot broad and 10.five feet long, taping or stapling them together.
  2. Measure and cut out a blue square, four feet by 4 anxiety. Identify the square on elevation of the stripes, securing it in the acme left corner. Measure and cut out fifteen white stars, each .5 foot from point to point, and tape or staple them to the blue foursquare in the top left hand corner.
  3. If possible, take a picture of the students with the flag and place on the classroom wall.
Make a Flag Collage
  1. Equally a class, or individually, make a list of places where the American flag is flown.
  2. Have students accept photographs or describe pictures of various places that the flag flies in their customs.
  3. Use the photos or drawings to make a flag collage.
  4. Hang the flag collage in a schoolhouse hallway or present it to the school board, the town mayor, or the local American Legion. The presentation anniversary could characteristic students singing the national anthem.
Related Resources
  • Learning from the Source: The Star Spangled Banner three-5
  • Today in History: The Star Spangled Banner primary source collection

Star Spangled Banner Guided Reading Middle School
